Feeling overstimulated
as a parent?

There’s no getting around it – parenting life is hectic.
The thing is, as a parent you’re multitasking from day one, as soon as your little one arrives into the world. It’s like having 50 tabs open at once that you’re desperately trying to go back and forth between, without forgetting anything.
And where your senses are concerned, come the 5pm witching hour, it can often feel like a full-blown assault.
You may find yourself snapping at your kids or partner. And chances are, you’re not even angry, you’re just overstimulated.
The truth is, parents everywhere are being overwhelmed with sensory stimuli, and their ability to process and cope with it is having trouble keeping up.
1. Schedule some quiet time
Let everyone know that you are taking time for yourself. And then do it. Even if it’s just time out in your bedroom upstairs
2. Know your triggers
3. Accept multitasking isn’t always achievable
The problem is that when we multitask our attention is divided, which means in turn that our sensory processing is divided too. This leaves an almost impossibly small window for anything else to get a look in (namely, your kids).
So when you’re cooking dinner, answering an email, and having a conversation with your partner, remember to try and leave a bit of room for sensory interruptions or unexpected help requests.
4. Get into a routine
5. Try noise-reducing earplugs
Noise-reducing earplugs can really help to deal with sensory overload as a parent. Earplugs such as Loop
Engage and Loop Engage Plus. These modern earplugs are especially designed to limit the volume of parenting, while making sure that you don’t miss a beat.
Loop Engage are earplugs that take the edge off parenting life by reducing noise levels by up to 16 decibels. With a patented acoustic channel and a newly engineered filter, they’re 100% safe to wear while looking after children. You’ll still be able to hear everything, just with a bit more calm.
Designed, tested and developed by experienced product designers to create the best-in-class reusable earplugs available.
Each Loop is fine-tuned to offer the perfect balance of noise reduction, clarity and comfort for every moment.
Sound comes first, but style is a close second. Loop earplugs empower you to be bold and show the world who you are.
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